Write and Create ”Write, create, innovate using the power of the written word.”【電子書籍】[ craig lock ]

<p>“I write because I love it. Words are free, and they soar with wings unbound from my mind to my fingers. And then they travel great miles to reach your eyes. Here are the stories that I have to share. They stem from my observations, my experiences, my joys, my anguish, and my pure love of writing. They describe, they explain, they argue, they laugh, they cry. They are for you.”<br /> Fine and “beaut” writing by Christine Fichtner</p> <p>Some other author said that “they’d planned to dazzle the world with light hearted words of entertainment, words of suspense, of sadness and laughter and love.”<br /> My writing ‘mission’ (and style) is a bit different and that is the reason WHY I write…<br /> “My writing mission is through my words to inform, illuminate, entertain, uplift, delight, as well as hopefully even inspiring people. I aim to do this by sharing my knowledge and life experiences ? through supporting, encouraging and empowering others to be the best person they can possibly be.”<br /> “I truly want to let the light shine through my words to impact and help others…to inspire people throughout our (sometimes happy and sometimes dark and sad, yet always beautiful and magical) world.” How serious, Craig. Time to lighten up and have some fun with some “wacky humour”!</p> <p>I love the beauty, power and magic of the written and spoken word, so love “working and playing around” with words. (A passionate and “attention-grabbing” opening line for this article, Craig!). I am fascinated with the variety, flow, rhythm and cadence of words and using language as a tool of communication. Because the words we use have such power in them. Words can be powerful motivators or powerful demotivators. Used positively the right words can encourage, uplift, even inspire and create endless joy and love in our lives… as well as in the lives of people whose lives we may touch (because in many ways we are all connected as citizens of ‘planet earth’)</p> <p>“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”<br /> - Johann von Goethe, poet, novelist and playwright</p> <p>“Everyone has some talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.”<br /> - Erica Jong , author of <em>Fear of Flying</em></p> <p><em>“The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions.”</em><br /> - Alan Cohen</p> <p>“You know when a writers in real trouble, when they start writing about writing.”<br /> And once they start running creative writing courses, you know then they’re really deep in the smelly brown stuff.”</p> <p>“It took me twenty long years of sweat and tears, no blood please, I’m very sqeamish, to become an overnight success.”</p> <p>“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”<br /> - Ernest Hemingway, the Master Writer from <em>The Wild Years</em></p> <p>“I make art through writing…and words are my tools.”</p> <p>“My palette is the canvas of life.”<br /> - c</p> <p><em><strong>"Write, create, innovate"</strong></em></p> <p><strong>“Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials…and strive for and perhaps one sunny day even achieve their wildest dreams.”</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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